www.Profit-Ideas.comProfit Ideas

Dirk Beveridge

President, unleashWD

Why Salesmen Are Different than Sales Managers

Dirk Beveridge, President

Thursday, January 14, 2021

•WayPoint Analytics •distribution management best practices •sales practices •management strategies •Wholesale Distribution Industry •sales management •sales management styles in distribution •distribution industry sales management •promoting to management •Randy MacLean •Dirk Beveridge

Dirk Beveridge and Randy MacLean discuss the challenges in moving from a sales representative role to a sales manager role.

They discuss how the priority of the sales rep is to identify and then satisfy the customers' needs properly. The same goes for a sales manager, but the sales manager's "customer", in this case, is the sales representative.

Sales managers get to use the same skills of identifying and meeting their clients' needs, but their 'client' is the sales rep, and so they must bring solutions to help those individuals meet their goals which, in turn, will help the company.

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For more information about Dirk Beveridge, visit: www.unleashWD.com

Why "Superman" Sales Managers Are Bad for Business

Dirk Beveridge, President

Monday, May 21, 2018

•distribution management best practices •sales practices •management strategies •Wholesale Distribution Industry •sales management •sales management styles in distribution •distribution industry sales management

Gifted or talented salesmen and saleswomen who are promoted to sales management positions may be limited in their effectiveness as a manager. Part of the problem is the reasons they were chosen — because they're great at selling. The best salespeople don't make the best sales managers. The skill sets and the responsibilities are different.

When considering a top salespeople for a promotion to sales management, you've got to ask yourself: What do they still love to do? Do they know how to coach? Do they know how to develop? Do they know how to discipline and reward and motivate individuals?

[click for article]

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For more information about Dirk Beveridge, visit: www.unleashWD.com

Why Big Data Matters

Dirk Beveridge, President

Monday, August 7, 2017

•profit analytics •WayPoint Analytics •sales practices •big data •industry perspective

Big data can, at times, feel a little overwhelming. However, big data can provide information on a wide range of your company's activities allowing you to understand the best and worst of what's going on, giving you strong advantages, and translating into things that actually matter to sales.

Big data will help to drive decision making, and with it, managers can more easily guide what's going to happen based on what the data is telling them rather than the old way where you just do it instinctually or anecdotally.

Salespeople can use the same kinds of information to drive their relationship with the customers and guide the relationship in a direction that's going to provide a greater benefit. [click for article]

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For more information about Dirk Beveridge, visit: www.unleashWD.com


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